
Your Shortcut to Efficient, Predictable Development

Let's keep things boring for a change.

Automate releases.

Schedule and deploy updates with less downtime and zero drama.

Minimize costly mistakes.

No more 2 am phone calls after an easy update goes wrong.

Coordinate your team.

We promise development, testing, and production can really coexist.


Get DevOps.

Achieve development

inner peace.

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noun_sequence_70351 Dedicated Environments Isolate development and testing environments from production to improve efficiency and reduce errors. 
noun_functionalities_3119118 Automated Deployment

Automatically take backups and perform all SQL and script updates, while keeping your environment logs in one central location.

self documentation Documentation by Code Release updates through a self-documenting procedure that captures each step of the process and is easy to follow.
testing-1 Rigorous Testing

Enable in-depth testing of deployment procedures and changes ready to be released to production.

security-1 Approvals

Manage, review, and approve changes to your environment. Implement manager signoffs at any stage of deployment.

noun_programming_1214182 Version Control Move your Ignition, SQL scripts, and other code libraries into version control to allow for easy visibility of changes.
ignition check-1 Ignition-based

Ignition software integrates with various DevOps tools and supports DevOps architectures.

How it works.

Watch the demo.

Our process is simple.

We like to call it the 5D Method just because we're nerds.
Asset 6
• Project Kickoff Meeting
• Clearly define objectives
• Develop project schedule
Asset 7
• Determine required environments
• Determine necessary procedures
• Design DevOps Architecture 
Asset 8
• Install CI/CD tool and configure with Ignition
• Set up Ignition environments
• Develop all deployment procedures
Asset 9
• Test and validate all procedures in their environment
Asset 10
• Team training on how to use your new DevOps system.
• Go live!

When we're finished, you'll have a system that is set up for continuous integration and delivery integration. That means less downtime, fewer fires to put out, and better overall visibility into your development.

See if DevOps is the right fit for you.

If you're currently using Ignition or Sepasoft software, our DevOps Deployment Package is worth looking into. Book a call with one of our DevOps experts to learn more.