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potable water

Water Utility SCADA and automated demand response

The Adelanto Public Utility Authority in California turned to Vertech when it needed to implement an automated demand response system for its water utility assets.

The objective of the project was to connect all sites to a central SCADA and provide controls at all sites to automatically load-shed during clean power plan (CPP) events.

Solution Vertech worked in cooperation with Power & Process Engineers to design and install a wireless network using a combination of broadband radios as a network backbone and radios connected at each site.

The City of Adelanto, in San Bernardino County in Southern California, operates its water and wastewater systems through its Public Utility Authority (APUA).

Requirements Deploy a system-wide SCADA system to provide automated response, connects all sites to this SCADA system, and provide controls at all sites to automatically load-shed during CPP events.


The Adelanto Public Utility Authority needed to implement an automated demand response system for water utility assets. The utility operates three reservoirs and 22 pumps. The Authority is enrolled in a CPP that incentivizes the reduction of energy usage during periods of high grid demand. Unfortunately, the authority did not have a system-wide SCADA system and was unable to provide automated response. The objective of the project was to connect all sites to a central SCADA and provide controls at all sites to automatically load-shed during CPP events.


50% Energy Reduction
17 sites connected by SCADA
13 PLC Panels


  • Inductive Automation Ignition SCADA
  • Rockwell CompactLogix PLCs
  • Rockwell Point I/O
  • Ubiquiti 5GHz AirFiber Radios (Backhaul)
  • Ubiquiti 5GHz NanoBeam Radios (Point connections)
  • Ubiquiti switches


Vertech worked in cooperation with Power & Process Engineers to design and install a wireless network using a combination of Ubiquiti 5MHz AirFiber broadband radios as a network backbone and Ubiquiti NanoBeam radios connected at each site. Some sites were also connected using VPN connections hosted by local internet providers. Rockwell Automation ControlLogix PLCs were installed at each site for monitoring and control, and an Inductive Automation Ignition SCADA system was installed to provide visualization, alarming, and data collection. Ignition also provided the interface to a Cal-Edison GridLink appliance that provided the request to shut equipment down. Upon receiving the request from the utility, Ignition notified operators via alarm message and graphical notification on the dedicated ADR Event screen before sending the command to shut down equipment out to each site. The utility request arrives 24 hours prior to the event to provide advance notice of an upcoming event.

Testing over a three-month period demonstrated the ability of the system to reduce power consumption an average of about 50% during CPP events. Authority operators retain the ability to override shut-downs to ensure delivery of water to residents. During one test in particular where water demand was not critical, the system shed 99% of load, and more than half of the events showed reductions greater than 80%. The SCADA system provides the Authority with the ability to centrally monitor all sites, and the equipment and software installed provides a platform for the Authority to add additional functionality as budget allows in the coming years.


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