Industrial Automation & Control Solutions Blog | Vertech

VertechCARES - A Holistic Wellness Program

Written by Lee Smith | Mon Aug 21

Life has its ups and downs. Feeling excited on the first day of a new job or intimidated by an extensive project for a key client. Overwhelmed by joy at the birth of a baby yet weighed down with heartbreak from a recent tragedy. We've all experienced the emotional rollercoaster of life. But no matter where you are in your life's journey, Vertech CARES!

At Vertech, our mission is to elevate human well-being through automation. That's not just for our clients and communities, but also for our staff and their families. We have the best and brightest talent around. But just like anyone else, they too face challenges, stressors, and personal struggles that can impact their overall well-being. That's why we've implemented a holistic wellness program called VertechCARES. CARES stands for Connecting All to Resources that Empower and Strengthen.

A Holistic Wellness Program

The overall purpose of VertechCARES is to:

1.  Support the personal growth and development of our people.
2.  Create a sense of community and unity among our team.
3.  Help employees, no matter their location, feel connected and included.

When we created VertechCARES, we wanted a wellness program that went beyond the traditional EAP (employee assistance program) that most employers offer. While that is a resource we still use and rely on, we wanted to take a holistic approach that would dive deeper. We found that employee wellness is built on a foundation of personal development in three key pillars: mental health, financial health, and physical health.

In essence, a wellness program isn't just for addressing issues within these pillars; it's about nurturing the overall welfare of individuals so they can continue to thrive in their personal and professional lives. It recognizes that everyone, regardless of their achievements, can benefit from ongoing support and resources to lead a fulfilling and balanced life.

VertechCARES Resources

Some of the resources we make available to our employees are:

  • WellCents: Personal finance resources.
  • SmartDollar: Dave Ramsey's personal finance resources. Participating employees earn points and an annual winner scores a $1,000 emergency fund.
  • EveryDollar: Digital budgeting software for the whole family.
  • Wellable: A wellness app that encourages all users to join challenges to earn points for rewards worth up to $25/month.
  • CALM: The premium version of the app giving access to music, stories, breathing exercises, guided meditations, yoga, and much more.
  • Meditation Monday: A time set aside for interested parties to do meditation together.
  • Deskersize: A quick lunch meeting once a month where we just get up and do some movement.
  • Habitshare: An app that helps track habits and assign accountability partners.
  • MyFitnessPal: An app that helps track calories.

This list of resources will continue to grow with the hope that each employee has multiple ways to meet their needs throughout their life's journey. Our desire is that these resources will aid in personal growth, bring people together in a community, and ensure that all team members feel connected and included. Vertech firmly believes that there is intrinsic value in all people, and VertechCARES is just one way we can put our money where our mouths are to elevate the well-being of our team and their loved ones.